About Us

islamabad solar house

About us

Islamabad Solar House (ISH) is a one Window Solution Provider in the Solar Industry, offering diverse turnkey Renewable Energy Solutions. Providing clean, cost-effective, and reliable solar power has been the priority of ISH. We pride ourselves on delivering the best possible solar energy solutions to our customers. We have been looking after the needs of Pakistan households and businesses for years. Our team comprises of highly qualified personnel experienced in Solar technology.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide clean and renewable energy solutions to individuals and businesses across Pakistan, promoting a sustainable future and reducing the country's dependence on traditional energy sources.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the leading provider of clean and green energy in Pakistan, empowering communities and businesses to embrace renewable energy and contribute to a greener and healthier future for all.

About Company

Why Choose Us


Solar On-Grid Solutions

A system where solar panels are connected to the electrical grid and generate electricity for immediate use. Excess energy generated is fed back into the grid, and when the panels are not generating enough power, the system can draw electricity from the grid. The effectiveness of On-Grid solar solutions lies in their ability to provide a constant and stable source of power while reducing dependence on traditional energy sources. They are particularly useful for residential and commercial properties where the power demand is constant and predictable.

Solar Hybrid Solutions

This solution combines solar power with traditional energy sources, such as batteries or generator systems, to provide a more reliable and efficient source of energy. These systems are designed to store excess energy generated by the solar panels, which can then be used during load shedding. The effectiveness of Solar Hybrid solutions lies in their ability to provide a stable source of power, even in areas where the grid is unreliable or unavailable. They are particularly useful for remote areas or off-grid communities where grid connectivity is limited.


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Islamabad Solar House

Book your free survey now. Out team of experts will schedule a visit to your premises. The team will design a solution which fulfil your needs. Then a proposal will be shared with you which including detailed quotation, payback chart, agreement terms and 3D design of solar panel installation

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